Che pasa? Hmnja… tisti, ki ste vstopili v Agloco ste verjetno že prejeli sledeče email sporočilo. Ostali, ki ste se mogoče sekirali 😀 ker še niste vstopili v Agloco, pa se lahko nehate sekirati in izgubljati spanec.
Dear Ležalnik,
We would like to update you on the status of AGLOCO’s operations. We continue to believe in the AGLOCO concept, but our revenue is currently not sufficient to give Members a meaningful distribution. And though there are increases in membership, the resulting revenue is not enough to support operating costs. As a development team we are unable to continue to use our savings to fund the operations. If any Member would like to pursue continuing the operations of AGLOCO, you may contact us at .
We would like to thank every Member for supporting our effort to bring a piece of the Internet directly to the user. We hope that we can find a way to keep the operations going.
Vaya con dios… 🙂
Tags: agloco
Nič novega, mr. Ležalnik 🙂 Saj so že zdavnaj dokazali da ne bo šlo. Edinio zanimivo je kako mi je uspelo toolbar zalaufat na Linux 😀
Mah ja, jaz sem obupal preden sem se včlanil 🙂 ko sem bral kaj drugi pravijo o zadevi … kako so jo pripravljali … 🙂
Ja, je bilo sumljivo že, ko so pol leta pacal skupaj tale viewbar.
… in beto poimenovali “1.0”